Okay, so first off, one big big piece of news:
My latest book, Inside the Hotel Bentmoore: Training Ella, will be available soon in digital format. (Print format is going apace, but it is slower. Those little letters of ink on paper take time to magically formulate, you know.) You'll be able to find it on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other foine sites in the next day or two.
Kudos now!
If you like the image on the cover, you should go check out LibertineEraPhotographic, who supplied the photo. Seriously amazing models and artists over there. Their banner is on the right.
And, as always, a big shout-out to my cover designer and formatter, Streetlightgraphics. If you're thinking of publishing your own book, you should really check 'em out. Their banner is on the right, too.
Final kudos go to you, dear readers...all of you who participated in my online poll. The results were insightful, and frankly, rather surprising.
An equal number of you (who voted--I know from my stats a ton of you did not so WHAT THE HELL WOULD CLICKING ON A BUTTON HAVE BEEN SO FUCKING HARD IT'S NOT LIKE I CAN FIND YOUR IP ADDRESS YOU KNOW EVEN IF YOU ARE A BUNCH OF INDUSTRIAL SPIES THERE'S NO WAY FOR ME TO REPORT YOU OR ANY SHIT LIKE THAT AND EVEN IF THERE WAS I WOULDN'T BECAUSE I LOOOVE YOUUU AND TOTALLY NOT IN A CREEPY WAY NO AND EVEN IF IT WAS MAYBE A LEETLE BIT CREEPY LIKE I SAID I CAN'T TRACK YOU SO YOU'RE SAFE EVEN YOU THERE THE HOTTIE IN THE BLUE SHIRT OH EM GEE KISS KISS) want historical romance and contemporary romance. Barely any of you were interested in straight-up hardcore erotica. I found this surprising, since I am always looking for a quick pure grade-A erotica story to read.
But I shall listen to my readers! The votes were equal here, but my twitter followers were leaning heavily toward historical. So King Alfred it shall be.
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