Christine was still complaining about her future. And what else helps more to focus a young lady on her duties, than return her to her to a behaviour where she is able to learn to follow. So it was decided that Christine will leave our house for some time, and even she is surely grown up will be treated like a baby for some time. Everyone learns what is expected from them when being regressed. Shortly after leaving the house, Christine found herself on a chaning table, and was fitted with a diaper. Her Journey to infatlism starts....
As you see on the picture even treated as a infant she still is grown woman. We asured that using a perfect shaping bra, that she always looks fine.
To keep her aware of her current state she was undressed and find herself in a incubator. Not able to move a lot around, only focused on her diaper, and sucking on a pacfier, makes her surely think about how to behave.
Some weeks of continous treatment like a baby follow. Of course it may be not very exciting for her to lay in the incubator, and only get our for some breastfeed or changing her diapers. But after several days she started to behave like it is expected. Perfectly following every word.
And girls that behave good are taken out to have some fun. Released from their diapers, christine and and a friend had fun at the beach.
All girls, even me, were happy when having some fon at the fire later in the evening. Good when they know how they have to beahve...
Christines Journey to Infantilism
Posted by sim
Posted on 14.09
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