I promised you the second part of the story of the regression of an adult mature woman - here it comes...
The babying of Barbara Leto - Part 2
One Saturday morning, Barbara Leto woke to find that her eldest
daughter, Dawn, had decided that she would become a diaper wearing,
thumb sucking baby and Dawn would be the mother. With the help of her
younger sister, Stephanie, they easily converted their mother from a 48
year old woman into a crying, helpless, little baby.
A week after regressing their mother, Dawn and her sister started
regressing Barbara’s friend, Mae Pohubka. Mae’s daughter, Karen, quickly
found herself the Mommy of a 46 year old baby-woman.
By the end of the month, the three girls had convinced most of the
daughters or spouses of the women who worked with Barbara and Mae to
regress their mothers or wives to diaper wearing babies again. It was an
all female company that did transcription work for medical and legal
By the beginning of her second month of being babied, Dawn as always,
drove her mother to work and left her with her nanny, Renee’. This
Monday morning was different. As Dawn was walking her infantile mother
to her office, Barbara noticed how many of the women were all wearing
dresses or skirts, that they had a juvenile look to them, and that they
all had a thickness around their waists, just like Barbara. Another
thing Barbara noticed was that these women were being escorted into
work, just like her.
When they arrived at her office, Renee’ cooed, “Good morning, Baby
Barbie, don’t you look cute. Give nanny your diaper bag.”
Barbara still blushed at being treated this way, even after all this
time. She knew that if she rebelled, Dawn would probably give her a bare
bottom spanking like she always did when she disobeyed. Dawn gave her
mother a kiss on the forehead and left once Barbara was situated in her
At 9, their boss called all the employees into the conference room.
There was about 27 of them there. It was a small office.
“It has come To my attention,” said Elizabeth, the company’s president,
“that some of you have return to your babyhood. Isn’t that correct,
Barbara turned red at that statement.
Elizabeth continued, “I don’t care what happens or how you are treated.
If you want to be treated like babies, so be it. But, if production goes
down, I’ll stop this right away. Now, how many of you are being treated
like the babies you are.”
Barbara slowly raised her hand as did several others. Liz was shocked
when she saw Joanna Shukal’s hand go up too.
“Joanna,” said Liz, “you too want to be a baby?”
Bernadette Gwynne, her nanny secretary responded for her, “Baby Joannie
not only wants to be a baby again, but is a baby.”
All the women, except the baby-women, smiled.
Liz continued her speech, “You know, when my girls were babies, I let
them go around in just their diapers. When it was time for their
changing, it was a lot easier. Now I don’t want our babies going around
topless, they must have a tee-shirt or something covering their tops.”
The women, the mommies and the nannies quickly removed the baby-women’s
outside clothes, leaving them dressed only in diapers, plastic panties
and tee-shirts. The baby-women tried covering themselveswith their
hands. It was embarrassing being dressed only in their diapers in front
of everyone.Then the nannies sat the baby-women on their laps and
continued their meeting. The baby-women on the other hand, found it most
embarrassing and still tried in vain to cover themselves up
It was decided that there would be a Simulac club, much like a coffee
club. And one of the vacant offices would become a changing room for the
babies. Also, no “baby” was allowed to wander around the office alone,
for they might get lost or get hurt with adult supervision, so an adult
had to escort them. After deciding the fate of the baby-employees, they
got down to business. The regular work meeting last for the next hour.
Then they were dismissed.
By the end of the morning, all of the baby-women were dressed in only
diapers and plastic panties, tee-shirts, and drool bibs. Some of them
had their hair placed n pigtails, other had their pulled up in the
center. And they all looked adorable.
Barbara sat at her desk. Like the other baby-employees, she was dressed
only in a tee shirt, diaper and plastic panties, and anklets. A plastic
baby drool bib was tied around her neck. She felt foolish dressed only
in diapers sitting behind her desk. She was having mixed feelings, was
she a baby or a grown-up? As she sucked on the pacifier hat Renee’
insisted that she have, she thought of all the women she saw in her
office. She could not believe how many were being treated like babies.
Holding onto Barbara’s wrist, Renee’ took her to another meeting later
that morning. Barbara noticed how many women were dressed in diapers and
plastic panties, sucking on pacifiers, working. The coffee cups were
gone and were replaced with nipple baby bottles!
Renee’ led her to the conference room where several other baby-women
sat. She sat Barbara down at the table and then left.
“Good morning Ladies and babies.” Said Liz as she stood at the head of
the table.
Barbara could not believe what was happening. It was bad enough being
babied at home by her daughters, but at least she had some attempt of
being and treated like an adult. Now she was being babied by others at
work too.
Smiling, Liz asked, “Before we begin, do any of the babies need to be
Several of the women went around checking the baby-women’s diapers. Only
Jeanine LaBrie need to be changed. She was soaked. A woman took her
wrist and led her to the back of the room. Laying Jeanine on the carpet,
the woman peeled Jeanine’s plastic pants off and then unpinned her
diapers. Jeanine laid there sobbing. She was so upset. She was still not
use to this treatment. Here she was, 51 years old, having a diaper
change like a little baby in front of so many people.
After Jeanine’s diaper change, they got to work. Liz insisted that since
they had only big girl chairs, that the babies sit on the floor, so they
wouldn’t fall. Barbara and the others felt so infantile, sitting on the
carpet, listening. Unlike the others who would speak during the meeting,
any of the baby-women had to raise their hands and be recognized before
During the meeting, Liz’s secretary, Sue Cioffi entered. She went to
where the baby-women sat. Sitting them up, Sue placed an opened pamper
under them and then sat the baby-women on it. Liz did not want any
accidents staining the carpet.
The meeting lasted over an hour. When it was finished, Liz called Sue,
and asked her to notify the “babies” mommies or nannies that the meeting
was over. She also asked Sue to order 12 baby high chairs, because she
was afraid the “babies” would fall out of their big girl’s chairs and
the high chairs would keep them more secured.
Shortly, they started arriving and took their “babies” away. Finally,
Renee’ arrived. Standing behind where Barbara was sitting, Renee’ pushed
her forward, pulled her plastic panties and diapers back, and felt her
diapers with her finger.
Finding it wet, Renee’ announced, “Baby Barbie! Baby needs a diaper
change. Now come with nanny so we can change baby’s diaper.”
Renee’ took Barbara’s wrist and led her to a vacant office that was
being used as changing room for the baby-women. Sue and another woman
quickly converted the empty office into a nursery room right after the
morning meeting. She took Barbara over to a desk that was being used as
a changing table and laid her down. Then Renee’ pulled down the plastic
panties and unpinned the wet diapers. Renee’ using baby wipes, cleaned
Barbara up. While Barbara was on her stomach, Renee’, under orders from
Dawn, gave her two suppositories. Barbara cried out at this invasion of
her bodily functions. Then she noticed two women watching her having a
diaper change. Barbara cried, she was so embarrassed. These women were
not “nannies” or “mommies” to any baby-women, but they did approve what
was being done to these baby-women.
Renee’ applied baby lotion, baby powder and diaperine on her pubic area
and her bottom before putting Barbara into a pamper.
When the diaper change was done, Renee’ took Barbara’s wrist, and led
her back to her office. Barbara, waddling, noticed that several other
baby-women were now in pampers instead of their plastic panties and
diapers. She figured that they must of had a diaper change too.
At lunchtime, Dawn did not come. Instead, several mommies and nannies
arrived in Barbara’s office with their babies. Sitting down in the
office chairs, the mommies and nannies sat their babies on their lap and
began spoon-feeding them baby food. Barbara was no exception. She too
sat on Renee’s lap being spoon-fed her mush baby food along with her
baby bottle of formula. Barbara’s friend. Mae, sat on her nanny’s lap
next to Renee’ and Barbara.
The mommies and nannies while bottle-feeding their charges, talked to
each other on teaching their babies. When lunch was done and the babies
burped, they were allowed to play for awhile. Barbara and Mae sat on the
floor, playing patty-cakes, When the playtime was over, the baby-women
were laid down on the floor for a nap.
Five minutes before they had to go back to work, the baby-women’s
mommies and nannies woke them and checked their pampers. And they were
all wet. Some even had messy pampers like Linda LePage. Linda was in her
middle forties, a chubby woman with short, dark brown hair. She laid
there sobbing as her nanny changed her.
After lunch, the baby-women and their mommies and nannies returned to
work. Barbara sat behind her desk, dressed only in her pampers and a tee
shirt. At first, she felt so uncomfortable being dressed this way, but
now she was getting use to being dress in her pampers and felt less
uncomfortable about it.. Renee’ came in several times to check her
pampers and change her if it was necessary, and to fed her her bottle.
At five, Dawn arrived with an outfit for her infantile mother to wear.
She sat Barbara on the floor and checked her pampers. Finding them still
dry, Dawn began dressing her in a white dress, that had angel wings, and
flared at the breast. The hem of the dress barely reached her crotch,
revealing her pampers. Pulling up the center of Barbara’s hair, Dawn
attached a white plastic baby bow. Strapping a pair of white patent
“Mary-Jane” shoes on Barbara, Dawn took her wrist and started to gather
up Barbara’s “baby” items. As she was doing this, Karen walked in
holding Mae’s wrist. Mae was dressed as a typical little baby. She wore
a pink baby dress, with a white peter pan collar and puffed sleeves. A
white, lacy, pinafore covered the front of her dress and a pink plastic
baby bow was tied to the center of her hair. Dawn could see that Mae had
a pair of white, plastic pants covering her bulky diapers. Suddenly,
Mae’s bottom lip started to quiver and then she started to cry. Karen
pulled the back of the skirt up and pulled the plastic pants back.
Feeling Mae’s diaper, Karen announced that she was wet. She laid Mae
down on the carpet and pulled down the plastic pants and then unpinned
the diapers. Dawn and Renee’ stood, watching as Karen diapered her
mother. Barbara was amazed at herself, no matter how many times she
witnessed one of the women getting a diaper change, how docile they all
were now. When Karen finished changing Mae, she took her mother’s wrist
and waved “Bye-bye”, and left.
It was time that Dawn and Barbara left. Taking Barbara’s wrist, Dawn led
her out to the parking lot and the waiting car. Barbara felt very
self-conscious about being taken outside dressed this way, but she had
little choice. When they arrived at Dawn’s car, Barbara received a new
surprise, Dawn had installed a baby car seat! She sat her mother in the
seat, it was a very tight fit. When Barbara started to complain, Dawn
simply hushed her and pushed a pacifier into her mouth. Dawn inserted
the locking belt in place, across Barbara’s chest and stomach, securing
it in place. A strap came up between her legs and locked to the strap
going across her stomach. Barbara sat there, sucking her pacifier, as
tears rolled down her cheek at her newest treatment.
The rest of the evening was the same as the others. Barbara was taken
home, fed her baby dinner, given her bath, dressed in her Dr. Denton’s
and then given her baby snack. Dawn’s friend had made a adult size baby
swing for Barbara. When Dawn finished feeding her mother the warm
pabulum, she sat Barbara in the swing so she can watch Romper Room.
Barbara loved her baby swing. When the show was over, Dawn and Stephanie
took Barbara up to the nursery room and she was in her crib by 8.
The next morning was different. She was dressed in her pampers, but
Stephanie dressed her in a baby dress, anklets and her white patent
Mary-Jane’s. She was going to work dressed as a baby! Barbara short
blonde hair was pulled up in the center and a plastic baby bow clipped
to it. As usual, Stephanie fed her baby-mother her breakfast while Dawn
got dressed. By the time Dawn came down, Stephanie had Barbara ready for
“nursery school”. She had her little girl’s plastic pocketbook and
carried her stuffed Elmo. Stephanie had tied a baby bonnet on Barbara too.
When they arrived at her work, Barbara saw that all the baby-women were
dressed in baby clothes too. In her office, Renee’ removed her baby
dress, hung it up, and left Barbara dressed only in her pampers,
tee-shirt and anklets. Taking a drool bib, Renee’ tied it on Barbara.
She told Barbara from now on, all the grown up ladies were to be
addressed as “auntie”, and the babies were to be addressed as “baby” and
then their first name.
During the day, every time Barbara had to leave her office, she had to
tell Renee’ so she could be taken there. As they passed other “mommies”
or “nannies”, they cooed to Barbara saying “Good morning Baby Barbie.”
Renee’ took her to see Liz. In her boss’ office, Barbara noticed that a
baby’s high chair was placed in front of Liz's desk. Renee’ sat Barbara
in the high chair and then left. It was uncomfortable, but neither Liz,
Sue, or Renee’ would allow her to get out of it.
“All comfy, baby?” asked Liz.
I was a tight fit, but Barbara simply nodded and Liz got down to work.
For half-hour Barbara and Liz worked. Finally, Liz called Renee’ to pick
the baby up. Renee’ found Barbara still secured in the baby high chair.
She removed the tray, took Barbara’s wrist, led her out of the office.
Walking down the aisle, Renee’ pulled back on Barbara’s pamper and felt
it. She had wet herself. Renee’ took her infantile employer to the
diaper changing room, laid her on the changing table and removed the wet
pamper. Barbara was very embarrassed about this. People, “grown-ups”,
would peek in and see what baby-women were being given a diaper change,
and they would giggle. But as time went on, she and the other baby-women
were getting use to it.
When they finally returned to Barbara’s office, she received a surprise.
Renee’ had removed her desk chair and replaced it with a baby’s wooden
high chair. When she started to complain to her nanny, Renee’ simply sat
her in the highchair and stuck her pacifier into her mouth.
Barbara soon discovered that she was able to reach everything on her
desk and still remain in the highchair.
Renee’ smiled at her baby as she cooed, “All of the babies’ big girl
chairs have been replaced with highchairs. ‘Auntie’ Liz thought that it
would be safer for you babies. We don’t want you babies falling out of
big girls’ chairs and getting a boo-boo.”
Barbara worked hard the rest of the morning until lunch. Once again,
several of the mommies and babies met in an office to have lunch, They
had their lunch and then the baby-women were given their 35 minute nap.
Before returning to work, all o the baby-women needed a changing, though
some had messy diapers.
Early in the afternoon, Barbara panicked. A vendor had called and said
that she would be there to see her in 45 minutes. She did not want the
vendor to see her dressed as baby. What was she to do? Barbara quickly
explained the situation to Renee’, who like all good nannies, came to
the rescue.
Renee’ took her baby to a locked closet in the main hallway. Unlocking
it, Renee’ removed Barbara’s navy blue sailor’s dress and a pair of
flat, white patent shoes.
“Now,” cooed Renee’, “Baby Barbie can at least look like hers a big girl.”
Soon, Barbara was dressed in her sailor dress. The sleeveless blue top
had a white collar and a red bow. Her pleaded white skirt barely reached
her knees. As a matter of fact, the hem line was about 2 inches above
her knees. Barbara still had to wear her pampers and tee-shirt under her
With Renee’ escorting her, Barbara meet the vendor outside of the main
office area in a private conference room. Renee’ stay to take “notes”.
Actually, she stayed to keep a eye on her baby.
When the meeting was completed and the vendor had left, Barbara quickly
found herself dressed only in her pampers and tee shirt once more.
Renee’ had removed the dress and hung it up in the closet.
At five, Dawn came into the office. She had with her, Barbara’s outfit
to wear home, it was a short navy-style baby dress. The hem almost
reached her navel. It was a short sleeve,navy blue dress, with a white
collar and a red bow. Taking a red plastic baby bow, Dawn pulled the
center of her mother’s hair up and clipped it. The navy baby dress
looked adorable on Barbara, said Renee’.
For five minutes, Dawn stood talking to Renee’ while holding Barbara’s
wrist. When Barbara started fussing, Dawn sat her on the carpet.
Removing from her pocketbook, she gave her infantile mother a pacifier
and a rattle to play with. Barbara sat on the floor, sucking her
“binkie” and shaking the baby rattle. After Renee’ gave her report on
Barbara’s behavior for the day, Dawn and Barbara left.
The rest of the week went by slowly. Barbara was dressed in her baby
outfit everyday to go to work and to go home in. During the day, she ran
around in her pampers like the other baby-women. Renee’ would feed her
lunch, and change her pampers when Barbara needed it. After lunch,
Barbara would lay on the floor with the other baby-women and took her
nap. She was use to going to other offices’ and sitting in a highchair.
Barbara was also use to having Renee’ take her places.
At home, Dawn or Stephanie would feed her dinner, she would be given her
bath and watch Sesame Street or some other babyish show until bedtime.
Dawn always had her infantile mother in her crib by 8 p.m. Barbara would
now wake up and cry for her two o’clock feedings. She also would start
crying when she was wet or messy. Over the weeks, Barbara had developed
a few cases of diaper rashes, which Dawn would treat.
Barbara enjoyed the weekends. Every Saturday, Dawn or Stephanie would
take her to Kinder Kare where she would play wither her baby-women
friends. This was a different environment than work. Here the
“grown-ups” expected them to be babies and that was exactly what they were.
Part 3
One Saturday morning, Barbara Leto woke to find that her eldest
daughter, Dawn, had decided that she would become a diaper wearing,
thumb-sucking baby and Dawn would be the mother. With the help of her
younger sister, Stephanie, they easily converted their mother from a
48-year-old woman into a crying, helpless, little baby.
A week after regressing their mother, Dawn and her sister started
regressing Barbara’s friend, Mae Pohubka. With the help of Mae’s
daughter, Karen, she quickly found herself the Mommy of a 46-year-old
By the end of the month, the three girls had convinced most of the
daughters or spouses of the women who worked with Barbara and Mae to
regress their mothers or wives to diaper wearing babies again. It was an
all female company that did transcription work for medical and legal
Barbara Leto was so happy. Today was Saturday and she could be a baby
all weekend. Not only that, her “Mommy”, Dawn was going to take her to
Kinder Kare so she can play with her baby friends. She woke earlier than
her normal schedule time of 8 a.m. Dawn had put her infantile mother on
a very strict schedule, 8 p.m. to bed and 8 a.m. on the weekends to get
up. She was fed breakfast, lunch and dinner almost at the same time, and
had her bath and snack also at the same time.
Barbara was kneeling in the crib when Dawn, wearing a nightgown and
looking so grown-up to Barbara, walked in carrying her mother’s bottle.
Barbara no longer was strapped down nor was the locking lid used. She
knew that she was a baby and that Dawn was her “Mommy”. She laid her
mother down on the crib’s mattress and handed her the baby bottle. Like
a good baby, Barbara grabbed it with both mitten hands. She had learned.
Dawn would not allow her mother to hold anything unless she used both
hands. Wanting to be treated more grown-up, Barbara learn to take things
using both hands.
As Barbara sucked on the nipple. Dawn unzipped the baby gown and removed
it. Feeling her diapers, Dawn found them so soaked, like she was not
changed for days.
“Baby Barbie,” cooed Dawn, “you are soaked! Has baby been saving all of
this just for mommy?”
Barbara looked up at her daughter, removed the nipple and started to
giggle. As she giggled, so of the milky formula trickled from her mouth,
which Dawn wiped away.
Dawn carefully removed the soaking wet diaper and the plastic pants.
Using baby wipes, she cleaned Barbara up, used diaperine and powdered
her. Three thick diapers were put on her and pinned. Dawn always did
because Barbara wet so often anymore and the diapers were needed to
absorb the wetness. Once she was diapered and had plastic pants put on,
Dawn lifted her out of the crib and led her down to the kitchen where
Stephanie waited with her breakfast.
Like Dawn, Stephanie wore a nightgown looking ever so grown up to her
one-time mother. Barbara looked at the way her daughters were dressed,
and then at herself dressed only in a diaper and plastic pants. She
still after all this time, wanted to dress like a big girl.
Dawn sat her mother in the wooden high chair between herself and
Stephanie. While Dawn fed the baby, she and her sister drank their
coffee and ate a piece of toast. Barbara still hated eating the warm
rice cereal, but that’s all Dawn would feed her. And that was using a
tiny baby spoon. The baby foods and desserts were not bad; in fact, most
of them were very appetizing.
When they finished feeding Barbara, Dawn took her to the nursery to
dress her for nursery school – Kinder Kare. Taking a white tee shirt
with Big Bird on it, she pulled it over Barbara’s head and down her
chest. Dawn like it when the hem of a shirt only reached her mother’s
navel. It looked more babyish on Barbara. Next came a light pink romper
suit, complete with a bib front and suspenders in the back. The waist of
the suit looked inflated, thought Dawn as she was dressing Barbara,
thanks to all of the diapers and plastic pants. She loved seeing her
mother in anklets and high top sneakers. They looked so much like baby
bootees, especially when she put baby bells on the laces. Brushing her
hair, she pulled the blonde hair up in the center and clipped a pink,
plastic, baby bow.
Raising the crib’s side rail, Dawn gave Barbara her stuffed Elmo and
went into her bedroom to dress. As one daughter was getting dressed, the
other one came in. even though Stephanie was Barbara’s “auntie”
Stephanie felt as close to being her mommy as Dawn did. But since Dawn
was the older sister, it was decide in the beginning that she would be
the mommy.
Dawn was dressed and they took Barbara to the car. After strapping her
in the back seat, they drove to Kinder Kare.
Dawn drove for twenty minutes and others were staring at Barbara in the
passing cars, but she was use to that after these past few months.
Finally they arrived at their destination - “Kinder Care”. At the
entrance was Marcie, the director and friend of dawn’s.
Marcie came over to the car as Dawn was helping her mother out. “Oh, how
cute the baby is!” exclaimed Marcie as she pinched her cheek.
Dawn, Stephanie and Marcie walked Barbara into the day care center. Once
in there, Dawn had Barbara crawl to the medical examination room.
Helping Barbara up, Marcie sat her on a metal table. Expertly, Marcie
removed all of Barbara’s clothing, leaving her dressed only in her pamper.
“Before any baby goes into the nursery, our nursing staff examines them.
We weigh the babies, and take their temperature too. It’s quick and then
the baby is out with the other babies, playing. That way, If a baby is
catching a cold or something, we’ keep her away from the other babies.”
Marcie laid Barbara on a baby scale and took her weight and height. Then
turning her onto her stomach, she unpinned one side of the diaper and
pulled the side back, exposing Barbara’s bottom. Taking a rectal
thermometer, Marcie inserted it into Barbara bottom. Barbara let out a
yip. Barbara sobbed while her temperature was being taken,
After the examination, Marcie re-diapered Barbara and took Dawn,
Stephanie and Barbara to the nursery. Barbara was dressed only in her
diapers and Marcie giggled as she watched her crawling, shaking her
diapered bottom back and forth In the room, Barbara noticed that it was
scattered with all types of baby toys. And there were the terrible
playpens too that the nannies put babies into when they were naughty.
Out in the middle of the room sat her new baby-woman friend, Joanna shukal.
Her mommy, Bernadette Gwynne, Joanna’s friend and roommate got tired of
the world revolving around Joanna and decided to do something about it.
And she did. Worldly Ms. Joanna shukal, who could do everything, became
Baby Joannie Shukal, a helpless 12-month-old dependent upon Bernadette.
In the beginning, Bernadette was going to remove most of Joanna’s teeth,
to make her look more like a 12 month old, but decided against it.
Barbara crawled over to Joanna who was bouncing a large plastic beach
ball. When Joanna saw Barbara approaching, she stopped playing and
crawled over to her.
Two of Marcie’s assistants cooed to them and knelt behind them. Lifting
their arms, they had Barbara and Joanna play patty-cakes. Both the
baby-women were giggling and enjoying this.
Around ten in the morning, the nursery assistants started giving the
baby-women their bottles of warm Simulac. All of them started sucking on
the bottles except one. Lowess (pronounced Lois) Adair. Lowess was in
her mid-forties and worked with Barbara, like most of the baby-women.
Like Barbara, Lowess was divorced and it was her secretary who decided
that she fit the category of being babied.
Lowess looked at her bottle, and then threw it against the wall.
Knelling, then standing, was a no-no for the baby-women without permission.
A few of the assistants raced over to the rebelling baby-woman. They
need to stop her before any other baby started up. The first to get to
Lowess was Marcie. Grabbing Lowess’ ear, she dragged the baby-woman over
to the reading chair. Sitting down, Marcie pulled Lowess over her lap
and ripped off her pamper. Her bottom was exposed to Marcie who, getting
a wooden paddle from one of her assistants, started spanking Lowess.
Marcie spanked her for a full three minutes and was totally exhausted
when she finished. Lowess’ bare bottom was crimson by the time she
finished. Rolling her off her lap, Marcie stood up.
During the spanking, Marcie noticed that a few of the baby-women who
were starting to stand sat down quickly. Looking around the room, she
asked angrily, “Is there any other baby here that thinks she is a big
girl?” all the baby-women, with a look a of fear quickly shook their
heads. None of them wanted to be punished like Lowess and being treated
like a baby was not that terrible. “Good.” Stated Marcie.
Grabbing Lowess’ ear, Marcie dragged her into the medical examination
room. Laying her on s rubber covered table, Marcie said angrily, “For
being such a bad baby, Baby Lowess, Nanny is going to give you a 2 quart
enema and then plug you up.” Tears formed in Lowess’ eyes as she
listened to her punishment. “Not only that, I’m calling your mommy and
telling her not to pick you up until tomorrow afternoon. You’ll be
sleeping here, or I should say staying here. Baby Lowess won’t be
getting much sleep.”
Taking the greased nozzle of an enema bag, Marcie inserted it into
Lowess’ bottom. After the two quarts were administered, Lowess noticed
that her “tummy” was quite bloated. It looked like she was five months
pregnant! Worst, Nanny Marcie plugged her up so she could not rid
herself of the soapy solution. After the diapering, one of the
assistants led a bawling Lowess to a vacant playpen and put her in it.
Before leaving, she gave Lowess a stern warning about trying to remove
the but plug or trying to get out. She was in big enough trouble as it
was. Lowesses sat in the playpen crying as she watch the assistant leave
her alone.
Barbara, like the others watched as Lowess got punished. Any thoughts of
acting up were quickly forgotten and soon things were back to “normal”.
The nannies walked around the room, checking the baby-women’s diapers.
Because of Lowess’ temper tantrum, they were behind schedule. All of the
baby-women needed changing, all were wet, and some were messy too.
After changing all the baby-women, which was quite a chore, the nannies
were able to go about, playing with them or helping them. Even though
they were adult in form, mentally they were babies and would need their
By 12, the babies started fussing. The nannies handed them all a bottle
and then started the feeding of them. Hey were all fed the same, 3 large
jars of Gerber Strained chicken, 2 large jars of mush carrots and a
small jar of strained prunes. That was the one everyone hated, but the
nannies managed to fed them.
In Lowess’ case, she was fed the same except for the strained prunes.
Because she was so naughty, she was forced fed 3 large jars of them. And
still Marcie did not allow the plug to be removed. Lowess was
experiencing such bad cramps. She swore that when Ann, her mommy came to
pick her up, she would be a model of innocence, the sweetest baby girl
for her.
After their lunch and diaper changing, the nannies had the baby-women
lay on the floor for their naps. Using baby blankets, each baby-women
was covered. Lowess was still confined to the playpen, so she slept
there. Every parent had given their baby their favorite stuffed animal
for this. For Barbara, it was her stuffed animal “Elmo”. Lowess was
given her white teddy bear with the red ribbon tied around its neck.
Even though she was being punished, she was still considered baby and
she needed her teddy bear.
The baby-women slept from 1 until 2:30 when the nannies came around
waking them. Like babies, some woke up happy, some grumpy, and some woke
sobbing wanting to sleep more.
The hardest part of the nannies was when it was time to check the
baby-women’s diapers. When the babies were wet or messy, they wanted to
be changed right away. They would fuss and cry, causing more of the
baby-women to fuss and cry until almost all of them were fussing and
crying. And the baby-women cried loud. Finally all the baby-women were
changed, wearing dry pampers. By now, all of the baby-women were in
pampers. The nannies never put the babies into cloth diapers, it was
much easier to use pampers.
With the baby-women’s diapers changed, the nannies handed out bottles to
them. Soon, all of the baby-women’s “tummies” were full and they started
playing with the baby toys.
Mae Pohubka crawled over to Barbara. Sitting, Mae lisped to Barbara, “Me
am so happy mommy make me baby. Me wove being baby and playing all time.
Me no worries no more.” Then Mae started sucking her thumb.
Barbara said in a baby lisped, “Me too. Me glad mommy and Auntie
Stef-fee make me baby too. Me no do notting anymore just play with my
And Barbara did mean that. She no longer had to worry about bills being
paid, cleaning, cooking. Dawn and Stephanie did all that now. All
Barbara had to do during the weekdays be an adult – working, while at
night and the weekends be a baby again. Life was good, she had the best
of both worlds.
Barbara was sitting on the floor waiting for her daughter-mommy to
arrived. Barbara was a very happy baby-woman.
Yes, she did have the very best of both worlds!
Part 4
Barbara Leto sat in her high chair watching as her mommy and her aunt
were putting her birthday presents on the table. Looking around, Barbara
saw all of her baby friends and their mommies from the Kinder Care
there. Barbara’s Aunt Stephanie had tied a large plastic bib on her. On
the bib was written, “Birthday Girl” with a picture of Baby Minnie Mouse
wearing a birthday hat. The lights were turned out and her mommy, Dawn
came in carrying a cake. One candle was in the center and the icing on
the cake said, “HAPPY 1ST BIRTHDAY BARBIE”.
There were only a few things wrong with this setting. Barbara was 49
years old, and Dawn and Stephanie were her daughters. For the past year,
Dawn and Stephanie were treating their mother as if she was a year old.
Now. They were celebrating her first year being babied.
Barbara clapped her hands when Dawn placed the cake on her high chair’s
tray. Dawn helped her “baby” blow the candle out as everyone sang “Happy
Birthday Baby Barbie” to her.
All of the baby-women sat in high chairs that their mommies brought with
them. After singing to Barbara, the adults were served cake and ice
cream, which they had placed some on another plate. This small amount of
cake and ice cream were put on the baby-women’s feeding tray.
Dawn looked around at the baby-women feeding themselves. They were so
cute, just like real little babies feeding themselves. They had picked
up the cake with their hands and had cake and ice cream smeared all over
their faces and hands. The mess also landed on their bibs. The
baby-women were such a mess.
Looking at her infantile mother feed herself with her hands, Dawn
thought back to the first day and the days that followed. She remembered
the day, 4 months after her babying her mother, that she introduced her
to the neighborhood.
In was the beginning of august, the first Saturday to be exact that Dawn
decided to take Barbara out for a walk around the block. Kinder Kare was
closed for the next two weeks and Dawn did not want to keep Barbara
in-doors all that time. A friend of hers, who had made the adult size
baby swing had also made her an adult size baby stroller.
Checking her mother’s diapers and finding them still dry, Dawn put a
pink tee shirt and a white baby bonnet on her. Using a sun tanning
cream, Dawn smeared it on her arms, legs and on Barbara’s cheeks.
Satisfied that Barbara was protected, Dawn sat Barbara in the overgrown
baby stroller, strapped her in, and pushed the stroller outside.
When Barbara realized that she was being taken out to the sidewalk, she
started fussing. Dawn ignored her and stuck her pacifier in her mouth.
Barbara still was adult enough to know where she was going and the
humiliation of it. As Dawn pushed the stroller down the street, Barbara
sat in the stroller, banging her feet and trying in vain to escape. Then
it was too late, Barbara’s next-door neighbor emerged from her house
calling Dawn’s name.
“Dawn,” cried out the woman. “Wait a minute.” The woman hurried towards
them. Looking at Barbara, she asked, “What’s going on, Barb?”
“Oh hi, Mrs. Anderson.” Said Dawn cheerfully, “How are you?”
Looking at Dawn and Barbara, she, “Never mind me, why is your mother
dressed like a baby and in a baby stroller?”
Dawn shook her head as she related the story that Stephanie and she had
devised to tell everyone. “The poor thing.” She began. “Mom had a
nervous breakdown. Now she has the mental ability of a year old baby.
Dressing her this way makes it easier to take care of her.”
Barbara shook her and started wailing. People were being told that she
had a mental breakdown, leaving her a baby. She cried out, “Me no
ba-bee. Me big giwl!” stomping her feet on the foot holder.
“Ah, poor Barb.” Stated Mrs. Anderson. “Shouldn’t she be in a hospital
or something?”
Pretending horror, Dawn replied, “No. I could never do that to the baby,
er I mean Mom.”
Mrs. Anderson looked at Dawn at that remark. Puzzlement registered on
her face.
Dawn quickly said, “You see, Mom acts like a baby o it so easy just to
assume that she is one. Steph and I refer to her as the baby. It would
seem weird calling her Mom as we are changing her diapers.”
Mrs. Anderson seemed to understand. She asked more questions which Dawn
For the next few weeks, Dawn would take the stroller and walk her mother
around the block. At first, she would get stares, but as time moved on,
people became more accustomed to the adult baby in their neighborhood.
Soon, other mothers with babies would take their stroller walks at the
same time and they would walk with Dawn and Barbara.
Dawn had a next-door neighbor babysit for her when she or Stephanie had
to go away. Her name was Katie. She was Mrs. Anderson’s 13-year-old
daughter. Taking her mother in the stroller around the block paid off.
She was Dawn’s main choice, but other teenage girls sat for her too.
Their mothers would be handy in case they needed help, but all of the
girls babysat devotedly. Once they accepted that Barbara was only a
baby, to be treated as one and not as an adult “playing” baby. The
hardest thing the babysitter had to do was to change Barbara. At first,
they would giggle and turned red from embarrassment. Soon they were use
to it and Barbara was just a baby who needed a diaper change. If it was
during the day, they would take Barbara to the playground and let her
play in the large sand box there, or on the sliding board [kiddies
sliding board] and swings.
One day during the week, Dawn really needed Katie to babysit. Dawn and
Stephanie had jobs, and had to work during the day. Dawn worked only a
few blocks away from Barbara’s office. One morning Barbara woke with a
cold and a slight fever. Dawn decided that she should stay home. Calling
Katie, Katie was available for the day. She came over and Dawn told her
what to do. She also wanted her to take Barbara’s temperature at 12 and
again at 4. She reminded her that Barbara was a baby and how to take it.
Taking Barbara over her lap with Barbara laying on her stomach, pulling
down the plastic pants and removing the diaper pins, Dawn folded back
the diaper’s flap. Her mother’s bare bottom was in complete view.
Barbara laid there sucking her thumb. Taking a greased rectal
thermonitor, Dawn inserted it into Barbara’s bottom. Barbara squirmed a
little, but was good. Katie assured Dawn that she would do as she
requested. Katie took care of Barbara mostly feeding her drink to help
reduce her fever. Katie kept Barbara down stairs in her playpen all day.
Katie thought that this was best and she could keep an eye on Barbara
all day. When she fed Barbara her lunch or just a bottle, she sat
Barbara on her lap. By the time Dawn came home, Barbara was asleep in
her playpen.
Barbara’s playpen was unique. Katie’s father, knowing about Barbara,
built it. He worked in an office but had a woodshop in which he loved to
build things. Katie’s father, Bill, built an adult-size baby’s playpen.
It was 4 foot high, and measured 5 foot by 5 foot square. To enter, he
made a gate, with a locking bar, so once the “baby” was in her playpen,
she was locked in until an adult took the baby out.
Standing in the playpen, Barbara felt so small, almost like a baby
again. The top rail barely passed her chest height.
Taking Barbara for her daily stroller walks continued for several weeks
and the people in the neighborhood were now use to see an adult being
babied. They accepted Barbara as a baby now.
Dawn decided to branch out. One Saturday afternoon, Dawn and Stephanie
packed Barbara into the car and drove to the local ACME Market. Dawn had
dressed her mother in a typical baby outfit, a loose fitting top that
ended at her navel. It had 2 buttons in the back with the back split
opened. She wore her diapers and plastic pants and had a pair of panties
with ruffles across the bottom covering the diapers. Anklets and black
Mary-Janes, along with a white adult size baby bonnet.
Taking 2 carts, Dawn put Barbara into one and Stephanie had the other
one for groceries. Barbara had her head lowered as they entered the
store. She hated the initial sightings, where people would start to know
of her babying conditioning by her daughters. Shoppers gazed at them as
they walked by, surprised to seeing an adult dressed as a baby, being
pushed around in a cart like a child or baby.
People that Dawn and Barbara knew came up to them, asking why. Dawn gave
the prepared speech. People accepted this, gave them their sympathies
and went onto their shopping. After that, Dawn started taking her mother
everywhere. And people accepted her. Of course there were some that
still stared, but the majority accepted Barbara as a baby, a helpless
baby. They did their shopping. When they got to the cashier, the girl
looked at Barbara. She handed Dawn a new pacifier. Dawn thanked her.
People were accepting Barbara now all over the community.
Barbara sat in her stroller as Dawn pushed her around the block for her
daily stroll. She was sucking on her binkie and hugging her stuffed
Elmo. Most people only had one babyhood, but due to her daughter, she
knew that her second babyhood was going to last a very long time!
About...Regression and Diapers
Posted by sim
Posted on 15.19
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