Bimbo's should no read further - surely to complicated for you - giggle.
Often i hear the question what is a Bimbo? If you look at wikipedia you get the following answer: "Bimbo is a term that in popular English language usage describes a woman who is physically attracktive but is perceived to have a low intelligence or poor education. The term can also be used to describe a woman who acts in a sexually promiscuous manner. The term itself is not explicitly negative, but can be used as a derogative insult towards a woman." - that description matches it in some good way. Now you may ask what is the interesting thing on it? Surely the reason to feal Bimbo differs for everybody in some way. Second Life wise, only talking about that, it has for me more or less a large roleplay component. To be one on my own (sometimes), is first fun. If you look for the reasons being it - in SL it is in some way a lot humilating to a normal intelligent person to feel like a dumb airhead (and try to really feel like that) that is more or less only interested in sex, shopping and party. I also try to educate bimbo's - and thats the kink of mind control. I dont use them (in first) as my own toy - more i like to control the behaviour and make them a perfect bimbo.
If you want to know more about the look and the behaviour visit Bimboboutique in the WWW. Especially the story section is interesting and give you a lot of insight in this world.
Bimbo - a definition
Posted by sim
Posted on 02.56
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