as I hoped, I did receive a caning from Linda who was dressed in her white blouse and straight black skirt..
Linda was dressed like this because we were attending a formal presentation together. When we arrived at the hotel we were staying in afterwards I could tell that Linda was feeling sexy. I told her that I liked her rather "schoolmistress" look and then confessed that I had packed the cane. To my delight she said I had better get it out.
Linda stood flexing the cane for a few moments, I could feel my cock getting stiffer. She then had me bend over in various parts of our room before deciding that the ideal position was over the end of a bench at the foot of the bed. I felt the cane rub over the seat of my trousers before a short pause and the first of three whacks. Linda said "you better take your trousers off" which I did. then she said "and your underpants". I looked at her pleadingly but she just stared back sternly and said "off". She then told me to gather my shirt up round my waist so that my bottom was entirely bare. "What's this?" she said, taking my firm erection in one hand then cupping my balls ..."bend over". Linda gave me 18 strokes, I had to count out the last six. My bottom was stinging and my cock was throbbing..
When I stood up, Linda decided to spank me but I had to put my underpants back on as she said she did not want to risk getting her new black skirt stained with spunk. Over her knee I went and my pants were pulled down at the back while still covering my cock. Linda slapped my buttocks several times, stopping to fondle my balls, remarking on the hardness of my cock.
I slid off her knee and down to the floor, Linda opened her legs so I could look up her skirt while I stroked my cock.
She then told me to strip her clothes off - which I eagerly did. Linda lay back on the bed, I spread her thighs and buried my face between them. Her cunt was delicious as always and I licked her clitoris enthusiastically.
Eventually I slid my cock into her cunt and fucked her so sweetly. We both had shatttering orgasms...
It is now Sunday morning and Linda is at her church where she is an office bearer. I bet all those churchgoers who see in her a very respectable middle aged lady would be surprised if they could have seen (and heard) her on Friday afternoon at about 4.30!
A caning from Linda
Posted by sim
Posted on 02.35
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