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Thinking about some 50s fetishes: The Housewife or is it a Bimbo?

As you know i am in vintage things....starting from the 19th century (maybe also the 18th some about my thoughts about that later :) )

In the last days i have thought and looked a bit for some submissive roles in that timeframe. Everybody knows the modern Bimbo Role. Besides less clever B-Movie Film Stars, which would be quite rare, but maybe interesting there would be another one: The 50s Houswife...

And with looking a bit through the web there are some interesting ideas about this role:

"back then thier were charm school mannerly classes in the 1940s and 1950s thiers were movies on how to act and how to be well groomed.if you want a better life this might come in handy it helps on finding a educated man or a good career and being around people.
a lady is never snobie she takes care of her self she keeps her up to date takes care of her nails her face and body her room is always clean every thign is clean and proper,she always gives advice.she needs to be educaed so mabee taking a college corse or somthing you like or some talent you have art classes piano lessions paint class a typeing class a sewing class.a women does need a good education to meet the right man,a man does not want a lazy women he wants a proper lady she can work if she wants to or she can stay home and maintain the house or do part time job or some sort no man should ever be rude to a women if she dosnt work a a lady is a lady.it takesa man to give a women goals in life but it takes a older women to show her how to be a women.women a weak but they are strong.all it takes is kindness and a good heart.all slaves and subs and dommes should always be nice ot any one a lady is always kind and smiles it is not mannerly for a lady to be rude she msut nkow her place and listen to any one if you seen the moviie my fair lady liek when she talk about the weather mabee your not smart looking pretty jsut say how are you ect but being slart is educate your self look up thing learn somthing travel go bikeing take a make up class he a lady be girly. a lady should be heathly and a little fit she should eat orgabic pop is bad for you a lady does not smoke or get drunk but some men like women that do smoke so it might be diffrent but drinking is bad for your liver pop is bad for the tummy drink lots of water stay away from fat food walk at least a mile a day to keep you health it dosnt matter your size jsut take care of your self but sitting on the couch and laying in bed is not being a lady or a good sub or slave.life is to short you need to do somthing with your life.thank you here are some more tips at the bottom no one is perfect a lady only needs to take care of her self even rich people have people type for them hav some manage their money they cant do some things every one has taskes they are good at."

Found at some profile at FetLife....

Just a bit of thinking....my new place will be the perfect place for the desperate 50s Houswife that is ignored by her husband, and looking for some entertainment that is different, may it be straight or lesbian, dommed by some gent, or lady...think about it...

The perfect 50s houswife will still look up to her male, regardless what happens....but how does the wife find her husband?

And who educates her? Her Mother? Her Auntie?....a lot of thinks to think about
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