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Thinking about some 50s Fetishes: The Secretary

After we have looked into the common 50s houswife, that is waiting for her husband, and beeing nice always - there is another way for a woman to express herself in  the 1950s...and maybe a bit in the early 60s...as in this example:

The Secratry! As not all Jobs, as nowadays, were open to us ladies at this time, this is one. The role could be quite varying. From the dumb blond secretary. Who does not remember the myopic girl from some 50s films, that even is able to do the basic requirements of her job. But could be also a self-confident lady that is maybe a bit more clever than the guys around her. She knows what she want...she is more or less sucessfull in her job, but still keen on the most perfect ideal of the time.

Importance has of course the dressing. When its up to late 50s, early 60s it should be a tight, pencilskirt, which some highlighting and more firm lingerie. You know what i mean :) So its up to you to think about it and find out the perfect way to be the vintage secretary of your dreams... 

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