The male maid: Time for some more changes
Posted by sim
Posted on 02.06
with No comments
Recently it was time to some more changes on our male maid. When he comes to us he has dark hair. To improve is changes it was decided to give him a more cute look. Again he was short showing some sign of resistance. But the reminder of the contionous whipping sometime ago, helped that he follows to the hairdresser. He had a bit luck as the store was empty. Uneasy he followed me but than was orderd to take place....and of course it was no issue for me to be the hairdresser myself in this case, and start to dye the hair to a lovely blonde...
After some minor whining about why this all happens to him, the result was neat. Of course he is still far away from real beauty. But the new blonde hair gives him a more femine and nice look. His meaning about this was for sure not important, he has to live with the changes.
Returning from the hairdresser it was time for more. As you maybe know i have a degree as Orthodontist. I write before on this blog of the importance of straight and perfect teeths in a healthy jaw, so it was time to check our maids perfection on that.
A chekup of his alignment of his teeth and jaw was done, and it was fast concluded, yes he need braces. For some reason the misalingment of his jaw was not discoverd in his youth. Males are sometimes a bit lazy about that. The braces were fitted and he war told that he will need to wear a headgear for two or three years.
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