I was just some days on traveling overseas to look for more sponsors to run the sanatorium. Imagine what i disovered when i return? You surely remember the special bed of our ladies maid, it is more a small cage of course that prevents that the maid lays down for night. In the time i was away she managed to lockpick the door, and left the cage without permission....
Of course that is a severe infringment of the rules of our sanatorium. Quickly it was decided that the maid the need some punishmet for such a behaviour...
The maid was blindfolded, which makes the punishment more effective as all optical impressions are bloked. One of our debutants, that learn to become secretary assists the punishment.
20 strokes by the cane followed to give her some instant thought about the things she has done wrong. By the way our secretary was a bit offended to wittness the caning, i had to urge her to watch how the cane moves down severe on maids butt. As this is a good example what will also be necessary for debutants that not behave.
Surely the maid thought her punishment was over as i told her that 20 hard strokes with the cane are over, she was surprised as i move a ball gag into her mouth...
...after several more procedures on her already heavy restrained body (you should have noticed the tight corset, and neck corset also) - she found herself helpless, with a spreader bar betwee her legs, which keep her caned butt visibile to all. A good oportunity for her do rethink her behaviour, and also a warning sign to all others...
Tales from the Sanatorium: Returning from travel
Posted by sim
Posted on 23.21
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