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Some "bad" weeks for christine

What happend to Christine recently? The last weeks were a bit ardous for the young lady. Another surgery was required to improve her beauty. Born with no real bottom, more a male flat one, she was herself also not happy with the apperance she had, especially after she get the little improvement on her chest recently.

But of course she was frightend herself when i told her it was time to do this additional surgery to her buttocks.

You may not see it on this pictures, because she was already dressed to join the hospital.

I followed her to the surgery, when entering the hospital she wanted to step back. But then she was guided to her fate.

I leave out the pictures of the actual surgery itself here. But to gain the desired result. Her hipbones have to be cut, and widend to give her a more femine wider hip. Additional silcone was used to improve her buttocks and make it larger.

When she returned from the hospital back to our home, she was is some kind of misery. Her whole lower body was coverd by a thick cast, which makes it impossible to walk, move or do someting else. They fitted her into a electric wheelchair, and told me it would be crucial to her healing process that she moves her body less as possible. Her legs had to be kept in a spreaded position to allow the hip bones to heal perfectly. Christine was therefore helpless bound to the chair. To prevent any try from her to remove herself out of the siutation, thick leather mittens with sleeves were used that cover her hands and arms. She had enough movements to control the wheelchair through a joystick on her own.
As even a movement of her upper body would be dangerous to her healing process, her neck was fitted with the already known neckbrace, she wear before for improving her posture. Additonal a steel bar was attached to her neckbrace to keep her head down on the wheelchair.

Her treatment of eyes, and jaw through the headgear go on ofcourse. The arms were bound to the chair additonal. Sadly there had to be found also a way to allow her proper body functions. A catheter had to be used which was moved through the cast, and also some kind of tube that was placed in her anus to allow the release of faeces. This had the side effect that she was not able to control this functions anymore.
Of course it was humilating for her to be placed in front of everyone like this, not able to control anything and barley able to move herself. Of course she could drive around with the wheelchair. I allowed her for the time beeing not to leave the house.

The whole treatment was planned for three long weeks, and yes - it was 24/7 she always had to stay in this wheelchair.

Christine in company with one of our maids, some kind diversion from her boring life in the wheelchair

Christine with me in the evening
Sleeping in her wheelchair. Of course the corset as to stay on

With me at the beach side again, catching some sun

How did she felt about all this? She hardly adopt to the way she was not able to move a bit. She told me she had some kind of mild pain, and strange feelings in all her muscles, from time to time. She dreamed even in night to move herself. Most humilating was the contious dripping of the catheter, and the feces that expell visible and noticebal to everyone in the bowl under the chair. The cleaning of the bowl by one of maids was also a humilating experience for her. Of course the three weeks she had to stay in this and the daily boring way to spent her time were also not easy to take.

By the way, not to forget her already limitation on her view through her glasses. This is the view from her chair towards me, taken at the same moment at the picture about at our beachside. At daytime. It is me that you see standing there...

More on her recovery later...

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