Until quite recently senior pupils in some of England's most famous boys' schools (such as Eton) were given the right and responsibility of punishing younger boys with a caning. Given the extent of homosexuality in these schools I am sure that baring the bottom of a younger boy provided these older lads with quite a few sexual thrills! I don't know that the same practises existed in girls' schools but these pictures show how it might have been....
Here we see a girl in a senior uniform lifting the pink summer dress of a junior girl to reveal regulation knickers......soon poor little Susan of class 4B will be getting six strokes on the seat of her pants...
Lucy tells a trembling Amy that it will be six of the strap on the bare bottom
Caroline was delighted when the new punishment rules stipulated canings on the bare bottom and lost no time in finding an excuse to get Amanda Douglas of 5A bent over a desk with her knickers off...
Girls who were called for punishment by Leslie or Catherine found that both girls spanked rather than caned...that hurt less at first but the spankings went on for a long time and there was quite a bit of touching up after the spanking .....
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Punished by a prefect
Posted by sim
Posted on 02.15
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girls punishing girls,
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