Sexist office worker tip
It can be difficult to understand a woman at times.
Female celebs like to remain in the limelight.
She can really hula that hoop.
Really, we can't control ourselves, ladies. And you know it!
It's a cock-tail
Limerick time.
All painted up and no place to go.
Want to play "army," boys?
Is she playing poker?
Joke time - confession
“Bless me, father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose woman.”
“Is that you, Tommy?” says the priest.
“Aye, it is, Father.”
“Who is it you were with, Tommy?”
“I’d rather not say, Father.”
“Was it Bridget?”
“No, Father.”
“Was it Colleen?”
“No, Father.”
“Was it Megan?”
“No, Father.”
“Well, Tommy, say four Our Fathers and four Hail Marys.”
When Tommy gets outside, his friend Pat asks him how it went. “Terrifc,” says Tommy. “I got four Our Fathers, four Hail Marys, and three great leads!”
When the girls in Vegas get high...
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