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More about Mrs. Enver

Mrs. Enver at her nearly daily lessons about manners and behaviour

You all read a bit about Christine Enver and her stay in the academy. I would like to give you some insight into her biography over the next weeks. She was so nice to write a bit of her story down, with some help of course, as her glasses make it difficult to read and write. Together with that you will see some pictures of her daily life currently at the academy for sophisticated ladyship.

32 years ago I was born. My childhood was very nice. I'm safely grown, with total love of my parents. When I got older, I noticed that I was different than the others. I was not as pretty as most major other. And as I got older and become a woman was, I become aware of the differences even more. I
got a big bust, but not the way it is most major girl wished, it began to hang out at an early stage. My belly was bigger, and he was not nice to look at. My legs were not as slim as at other girls. All I started at school laugh. I was the ugly duck.

Going shopping - did she like to be dressed so old fashioned?
 I become older and was nearly an adult. No boy around me looked at me - and the reason was obvious. Over becoming a woman i get for some reasons, maybe genetic reasons, nice breasts as men like that, large but sadly not firm. I was 17 when i discoverd that sagging breasts like mine, some like but not the most.

My parents come from a rich family, both. But unfortunately had my father was not so lucky in business, and we had financial Problems. By the time I get to know Sandra, she was a good friend and admit we were a little more than friends. We began to love us, I do not know why, but maybe because I'm not a boy, as ugly as I was looked at. But then, my parents came up with the idea myself with a man to marry. No, I did not even know. Somehow, this famil related to us, and her son was very successful. Therefore met our üarents well, and two months later I was married. Rather old-fashioned, but I did not know I should do about it wass. Now I was his wife, against my

Mrs. Enver at the pool - always well dressed.

More to come of her life ...soon on this blog. 


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