This post is was inspired by PaperMirai, wife of Apangdon, who are both very cool people. PaperMirai is looking for links to kinky/BDSM sites, and I told her I'd help her out.
If you look up top, you'll see I have a box labelled "Kinky Linkies." I've just expanded it, so not only has the list gotten longer, there's a bit of information about each one.
If you've got a great site you think others will enjoy, please tell us about it, even if it's your own (ESPECIALLY if it's your own--if you won't tell us about it, who will?). I'll add it to the list.
Oh, and go follow PaperMirai on Twitter. :)
EDITED TO ADD: The list is getting longer! Keep 'em coming, guys!
Link? Anyone Got a Link?
Posted by sim
Posted on 09.53
with No comments
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