After the last more less extreme story, now maybe something more: Some properties of a mistress, in this case christine, are good in taking some things to extreme, in this case some kind of medical and bondage restraints. Which become than maybe interesting and a new experience. Here you see her before some breast enlargement, yes a lot of silicone filled at two places shortly. She is wearing balletheels, securly locked of course. Braces for legs and arm make her nearly immobile. Therfore the diaper is requred. Additional equipent are mittens to prevent to much touching. And as you may see there is a lot more around her head: a neckbrace, headgear, orthodontic facemask, ring gag, and a bridle with some discipline gag, a very cruel thing. Additional the viewing is reduced by the special glasses i have also used in the feminzation some weeks ago. Blinders prevent to look at the sides from the glasses.
And thats her after the traetment in the machine of sveller labs (Landmarks will follow later), a place for breast enhancement and milking. Both breasts are filled with a reasonable amount of silicone....
By the way she likes that treatment :) - the strict equipment let her feel like in a cage, but still able to move a bit. And as it is difficult to move in all of that, yes a wheelchair is required.
A list of all equipment used and places visited will follow later.
Extreme (?) medical restraints and body modification
Posted by sim
Posted on 05.55
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