In the next weeks i will present to you some of my fetish interests, besides corsetting (what was a lot on this blog in thel last weeks) and give some tips for places you can visit to enjoy that fetishes.
I will start today with "medical fetish" - thats more or less all what has to do with medical things - so that is enjoyment of intime or non intime physicals and treatments in several ways inspired by RealLife medical experience. So doctor and nurses, maybe. Could be quite arousing or more medical on your personal taste
Once there was a great hospital for every needs in that area - a sim calle Love&Pain House, run by some nice french ladies. Unfortunatly that place went off for ever end of December 2010, what happens quite often in SL.
Other places for medcial things are not so complete as that place was. One interesting one with a lot of equipment is the Brokken Clinic at the Sleepy Hill sim.
The place is well furnished with a lot of nice equipment that allow some "quick fun" but also more nice medical Roleplay. From massage over psychiatry, up to more "severe" medical tratments everything is possible on 3 different equiped floors.
So go there with your doctor or patient for some fun, and think always at your health.
More places and other fetishes (that i like) will follow soon.
Different Fetishes and Places (Part1) - Medical Things
Posted by sim
Posted on 06.55
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