I confess, the only thing that has led me to swinging is the fact that unicorns are hard to find.
A unicorn is the ever elusive, bi-sexual single female that wants to play with a couple.
Yes we've come across a few, but they tend to be organic experiences....you know how it goes....we're a party, club, convention, or something like that....there's alcohol involved, we hang out chatting and flirting for awhile and eventually she ends up back at our hotel room with us.
It's hard to plan these things. I've searched the sites but unicorns are rare...most of the people out there that want to play are couples.
And honestly another penis doesn't play into my cuckquean fantasies....and another penis sure doesn't play into my husband's desires at all...

Now don't get me wrong. I like cock. I love cock. But I have one. My husband's big fat dick is more than enough to fill and satisfy me.
What I'm interested in is another woman- breasts, pussy, and of course with my cuckquean fantasies what I really want is to watch her pleasure my husband.
but....what are you going to do, right? Sometimes you have to compromise.
So swinging is the way to go.
But I'm not going all the way. I don't want another man's penis in my vagina.
If the situation occurs and I'm attracted to the guy in a group situation yes I may stroke him, I may him suck him (if my alpha male husband doesn't freak the fuck out about it), but what I'm really at the party for is the other women.
Yeah, I'm that bi-sexual. At this point in my life I'm more interested in boobs than dick (not referring to my husband of course). Because when it comes to one on one male/female sex, - he gives me everything I need.
Unfortunately he doesn't have a pussy or boobs so he can't satisfy everything that I really crave.
My bi-sexual desires, my voyeuristic fantasies...and the cuckquean urges to see him satisfied by other women.
So I guess I have to go the swing route to be able to fulfil my cuckquean desires
Has anyone else done this? Given in to swinging so they could fulfil bi-sexual and/or cuckquean urges?
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