Just in case you think my sex life has been all fun with spanking, fucking etc. let me tell you about the fiasco that was my early experiences with a girl. Christine was my first girl friend when I was about 15. She was keen enough on french kissing etc from the outset but anything more was a problem - 1) we were catholics so a bit inhibited and 2) more important, contraceptives of any kind were not easily available and the fear of pregnancy was a big deal. It took a while before I got my hand right up her skirt and there I made an interesting discovery. When we were kissing she was wet - and I mean soaking - between her legs. The bad news was that she wore a very tight, very rigid panty girdle like this.
... so though it was very wet between her legs it was also brick hard so I had really no sensation of feeling her cunt.
The the great day came when it was allowed to put my hand inside the panty girdle. Wonderful, except that the thing was so tight that it just about cut off the blood circulation in my hand and my hand was presssed so hard against her that it was almost impossible to "explore" - remember I had no experience at all.
After I got over the excitement of feeling female pubic hair for the first time I started to wriggle my hand around looking for the elusive "slit". Eventually, with difficulty, I found a hole and started fingering as vigorously as I could.
Christine seemed to enjoy if but the next day she said that what I had been doing was "wrong". She added "not morally, physically". You guessed it I had been fingering her arsehole.
Now that might sound OK now but I really wanted cunt there and then.
Things did improve. She took to wearing a body shaper (she was a bit fat) that fastened at the crotch and once I had learned how to undo that (a bit like a bra) I was able to improve my cunt fingering expertise and give her wet sloppy orgasms.
One other thing - she would NEVER touch my cock! I went through my mid teenage years with blue balls relieved by wanking when I got home from a date.
Christine's arsehole - a sexual fiasco
Posted by sim
Posted on 03.01
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