Guys, this is a new one for me. I am very excited.
May I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my twitter friends, Lacie Grayson, known on twitter as @fkmuse. She also has a tumblr account, full of raunchy awesomeness, that you should totally check out.
Lacie has asked me to "host" her on her blog tour! She's promoting her new work, already available on Amazon for only .99 cents. I'd click on that link if I were you. But if you want a taste for the meat of it first, read on: there's an excerpt right here.
Excerpt from Lacie Grayson's new story, Bad Juju
I was pacing around my room. I couldn’t seem to still, so this was my
only option. Well, this or go pace in the living room and my roommates
would most likely love this job. Therefore being where they could hear
and beg me to take it did not sound like a good idea.
“I told you before, I’m not interested.” I said trying to stay sounding polite.
“If it’s a question of money Ms. Shimshi my boss is offering a healthy
sum.” The woman continued on still sounding way too chipper.
“It’s not about the money, it’s about what you’re asking me to do.”
“It is just a book.” She said flatly yet some how maintaining her cheery tone.
“Then hire a librarian, I’m not qualified.” I said hanging up before
she could say anything else. It didn’t matter someone else would call
I curled up on my bed still holding my phone, half hoping it would
ring. I was trying to will it to ring. Not that I had anyone is mind
to talk to really I just wanted to talk.
Instead I grabbed my trusty laptop and decided to do a little
research. Twenty minutes later I had all the tastiest bits of
information. Which still left me completely puzzled. I had no media
buzz, no television show, so how did he know I existed?
The man looking to hire me was a tech mogul. He not only programmed
some of my favorite software, he was also behind some of the biggest
sites on the web today. So, why would he want me? The answer was
clear, he was very New Age, his business practices of using tarot
readers has been laughed at by nearly every other CEO. Got to love old
money, if it’s not our way it’s silly. One look at his net worth had
to show he was doing something right.
Still, the whole proposal smacked of Hilter wanting to and ultimately
trying to win World War Two with the Occult. Jared Barnes wanted me an
unglamorous college going medium and all purposes aside slacker to
find him the Necronomicon. Part of me wanted to be snarky and send him
Simon’s Neronomicon but, my mother raised me with manners.
Why me?
I’m Lux Shimshi and I’m a lightning rod for the paranormal and while
it’s interesting, sometimes I wish I’d just been ordinary. See, I’m a
mermaid, who’s also a medium, and lately very popular. I’m 22 years
old and going to college, working most nights at Coffin Candy’s a
strip club as a DJ. When I’m not doing that I’m usually on a ghost
hunt with ORACLE my roommate’s paranormal group.
It wasn’t me specifically Barnes wanted, he probably knew my father’s
passion was that book. The last fully Japanese Merman Toru Shimshi,
leader of the biggest Merfaction died looking for that book.
I was my father’s daughter.
Part of me wanted to call Daniel, my twin, but it was late and knowing
him he had 3 or 5 house guests. Best not to wake them, I’d call in the
morning. Something told me the icky feeling wouldn’t go away anytime
Curling up into a ball tighter, I knew exactly what I needed, and
where to get it. Soon I was relaxed and I slipped into a crack.
Upside, I was left standing in front of a bar. Instinctively I knew
he’d be here. I followed them through the crush of people making my
way to the back corner table. Where he sat in his usual unshaven dirty
but just enough to be sexy. I still catch myself wondering how he
managed to pull it off.
I slipped into the booth across from him.
“Hello.” He said softly not yet looking up from his paper.
“Hey Jack.” I said softly smiling.
“I’m not going to help you find it, so don’t bother asking.”
“Can’t a friend just drop in to say hello?”
“Not the kind of friend you are and the kind of dropping in you do.
That’s my final answer. You don’t want anything to do with this. Just
let it go and walk away,” he said as he pulled a pack of cigarettes
out of his pocket, shifting them around a little.
“You just don’t understand.” I started to say, but stopped, seeing him
glare at me.
“I don’t understand? Girl, you’re looking for what is, in your world,
reputed to be the source and cause of a great deal of the world’s
suffering. Not only that, but you’re going to take it back, through
the divide, into a world that it was never meant to exist for real in
under any stretch of the imagination. You’re going to do all of this,
and you still have the stones to say I don’t understand that you feel
you have something to prove for this little bit of insanity, yeah, I
guess I don’t understand then,” he said, fidgeting with his lighter.
His ability to make a person feel only a few inches tall never ceased
to amaze me as I stared at him, trying to regain my composure.
Something shook deep in my core as he started again.
“What I do understand, however, is the burning need to find something
you know you better damn well leave alone. That’s normal in our line
of work. Hell, I’d be even more worried if you hadn’t taken the job.”
He lit a cigarette.
“I haven’t taken it…yet.” I said stammering. I felt myself flicker.
See in Jack’s world I was not corporeal. I was like a ghost, with out
that icky being dead part.
“Yes, you have. I can see it in those beautiful translucent eyes of yours,.”
“Charmer but, no I haven’t.”
He only smiled as he took a long drag on his cigarette, the smoke
trailing upwards. “Right. Anyways, I’ll see what I can find. I know
some people who know some people who get their jollies over rare,
human-leather bound tomes that could bring around the destruction of
all life as we know it,” he said with a smirk, blowing a stream of
smoke through me.
He liked reminding me why we’d never go for dinner and a movie. He was
a bastard but I loved him. Part of me still held out hope I’d find a
better opening to Hollow Earth. As I sat there, he stood up and rifled
through his wallet.
“Got change for a twenty,” he asked with a smirk before dropping a
couple bills onto the table. “Come on. I gotta see a man about a
“A man…about a, what?” I asked, following a little behind. Not only
was he a scruffy bastard who felt he knew more than everyone else, he
was a scruffy bastard who felt he knew more than anyone else that
seemed desperate to confuse the living hell out of a girl.
“It’s a saying. You have them on your side too, don’t you?” His grin
was starting to wear thin on my nerves.
“Yeah, but…”
“Alright then,” he cut me off as we turned down one of the alleys for
a moment before he stopped and flicked his cigarette away. “This
should be about good.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m a little tired of this intangibility thing,” he said, shrugging a
little bit before pulling a flask out of his pocket and handing it to
me. The contents smelled like someone distilled a sewage treatment
plant and packed it into a hunk of tin.
I resisted my gag reflex, “What is this?”
“Just a little something I whipped up for your next visit. Though, I
wasn’t expecting you to drop by so soon. Did you miss me that much?”
“Maybe a little, but you know this is just business, Jack. That’s
all,” I said with a dismissive smirk. The whole intangibility thing
started to rear its ugly head again.
“Yeah. I know, you just keep forgetting about things. It’s okay.
You’re not all here. Yet. Drink this.”
“You can’t be serious.”
“I am. Now, do you want my help or not?”
He had me in a bind at that. There was a lot that he could do in his
world that I couldn’t do in mine. Even if his noxious brew had any
effect it would probably help find that cursed book. That, and he was
kind of cute in that bossy sort of way. I decided to throw caution to
the wind and focused myself. Reaching things past the divide was hard
enough, but actually ingesting something, especially something as foul
smelling as the thing Jack was handing me, that was a different story
Slowly, my hand started to take on a more solid form and I grasped the
flask, tossing it back quickly so I wouldn’t lose my tangibility or my
nerve in the same fell swoop. A wave of nausea rushed over me and I
fell back against the wall of the alley. I felt dizzy, so I steadied
myself with the wall.
“You son of a bitch,” I said, gasping between breaths. “That was awful.”
“Right. Awful, but look,” he said as he pointed at my hand against the
wall. I hadn’t even noticed prior, the rough texture of the brick
against my skin.
I was solid. The snarky bastard was right.
“How? I mean, why? What?”
“Eloquent as always Lux. Unfortunately, we don’t have that much time.
It only lasts a couple hours at best and the ingredients are a bit
sparse,” he said with a smirk, pressing me back up against the wall.
“Shouldn’t we go look for the book?” I asked, blushing at the
closeness of his body. He had a smell that I couldn’t shake, it was
like nature and tobacco.
His hand slid around and cupped my ass. “I’ve got a friend looking
into it. Don’t worry,” he said before starting to kiss my neck, his
hips pressed against mine.
I gasped, clutching him towards me, leaning up to kiss him deeply. I
had wanted to do that for as long as I could remember, but all I could
think of was someone walking down the alley. “What if someone sees
“Nobody will see us.”
“More…magic?” I asked, swallowing a mouthful of air as he started to
caress my breasts.
“No,” he grinned as he answered, his fingers pulling at my clothes
quickly. “Nobody really comes down this alley. It has a reputation.”
“How romantic,” I said, gasping.
“It’s not like we’ll get to do this often,” he said, his voice husky
as he pushed me back up against the wall. We were like wild animals
digging our fingers like claws against each other trying to move bits
of clothing to expose each other and take advantage of the time we
could have together. I fumbled with his zipper for a moment before he
pinned my hand back against the wall to do the deed himself.
I bit my lip watching, my heart pounded, my panties were soaking. Jack
always had that effect on me. It was really such a shame we did not
live on the same plane of existence. Jack pulled back his pants off
his hips, his cock was absolutely rigid and thick just how I liked it.
Of course that might be because I’d lost my astral virginity to him.
My physical virginity was lost just a few months ago. To a guy I met
that night. Bad, I know. Worse, he was vying to be my boyfriend.
Here. Now. I forgot all of my normal life and just wanted to be Jack’s
fucktoy. He knew it too. He grinned as he pressed the thick, swollen
tip of his shaft against my hungry pussy.
He slid into me and it was fast and sudden, better than all the other
times. It was like going from mono to stereo. I could measure the
difference but, all I could do was moan and wrap my legs around him.
“Luxie, you are such a naughty girl.” Jack whispered in my ear before
thrusting up inside me again.
My answer came in the form of a well placed bite on Jackʻs shoulder.
He tasted faintly of Cinnamon above the taste of skin. I moaned
licking along his flesh.
“Keep that up, I will put you on your knees.” He said with a growl.
“Then I might never get to finish fucking your pussy.
Pulled back with a needy moan pushing my hips out driving him deep
inside me. My thoughts raced, I wanted him inside my mouth, I wanted
him doggie style. My deepest erotic daydreams were flooding every
thought. Jackʻs cock pumped in and out of me. My brainʻs pleasure
center was on overload.
“Fuck me.” I said throwing myself against the brick wall scraping my back.
“What do you think Iʻm doing? I ainʻt whistling Dixie”
Great, he could be snarky and make me orgasm. My thighs started to
twitch and shake. I squeezed him harder and my hips jerked me into his
Jack reached down and slapped my ass, and I moaned as my orgasm
finally broke leaving me panting and grasping at Jack like a flood
He just groaned and fucked me harder fighting my pussy until he
finally couldnʻt stop. His nails dug in my ass, prompting a miniature
orgasmic aftershock.
“Damn it Lux, I do love you.”
“I know Jack.” I whispered against his lips I could not resist it. So,
I kissed him. His mouth tasted of cigarette smoke, and I didnʻt care.
I needed him.
We held each other breathlessly for a moment before he pulled out of
me. My legs were wobbly from a combination of the brutal fucking and
being shunted into tangibility. He smiled at me a little as I fumbled
with my clothes, trying to tidy myself up the best I could. After a
cursory sweep of the alley to make sure we hadnʻt forgotten anything,
we were on our way while the solidifying potion was still working.
Waking up after being with Jack always left me drained, but pleasantly
so. He talked me into it. He knew exactly how to do it too: appeal to
my curiosity. Itʻs why I hated him. He could talk me into walking on
As my luck would have it, my cell rang. Half-heartedly stifling a yawn
I answered gruffly, “Hello?”
“Ah, the elusive Lux Shimshi,” said an overly seductive voice. Kind of
like a Siren or bill collector.
“And who are you?” I asked, my voice in an automatic purr.
“Jared Barnes,” he said almost like a declaration. The shock of the
name that I wasnʻt expecting to be on the other end of the phone so
early in the morning bolted me upright.
“How fortuitous,” I said.
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» Blog Tour! Introducing: Lacie Grayson
Blog Tour! Introducing: Lacie Grayson
Posted by sim
Posted on 14.24
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